multi level marketing companies in world, best paying mlm in the world
There are lots of mlm marketing companies in world today; which has made lots of people break out of there financial boundage
Though most people do call them "all scam" they might be right in there own opinion, since most of those companies are just there to deceive and scam people.
Anyway, I would be showing you available list of mlm companies available in the world but won't be deciding which is a scam or not since I am in no position to do judge
Here you go .
What is multi level marketing
(Mlm) also known as multi level marketing is being fully known as direct marketing, selling, referral marketing used by most companies as means of marketing strategy
In a more clearer version, it is a strategy being applied by companies to encourage their distributors to bring in more distributors
How mlm business works
Companies who try selling there products through distributors, which also include food, but then decide to get their products out over to many by paying their distributors money of each distributor they get for them .
And yes, you can make money from them if you promote them the right way .
And with that you can find lots of those distributors out there today; (they lady next to you might be one of them 🤓)
Recharge and get paid
Owned by Mr ositadimma oshopo, who story was gathered that he gained admission into a university but lost that because he could not pay the sum of #13,000 for registration
Now, he lost something to gain another; he now provide job opportunity to whosoever is interested in his program
Where people either make money when they use the product (buying airtime or data) or sell the product to people
When you bring in a new member, you get paid for it.
Also read: how to monetize your blog in nigeria
All along with other bonus attached to the business.
Longrich is also another mlm company that own a product or more
Where they have consumers products that include skin care products, health products, household cleaning items, and many other things I don't list here
There are two ways available to make money
The first
You can make money by selling the product available to you which are owned by the company
You can also make money by building up your own team then get the opportunity to get commissions from sales made by your team members along with commission earned for being a team leader.
Also read: list of high income skills in nigeria
Gnld (Golden neolife diamite)
This is being brought in by jerry brassfield, a company based in the united State
a company which mainly base on food supplement and drugs.
It is very sad that today nigerain gnld distributors has taken it too far for them to get marketers for their price
By inviting people to fate promotion, job interview
George udonte had written more on that in a blog post he recently published which is made available here
Multi level marketing companies in nigeria
Oriflame, a leading selling beauty company, which also helps individuals start there own business
Anyone can make money by selling oriflame products as an oriflame distributors
Which anyone can join through the online registration form, by signing into oriflame dashboard then selecting a product to buy
Joining oriflame product which worth the minimum of 9,900
Oriflame product which are :
- Oriflame hydrated face cream
- Oriflame milk honey and body cream
- Oriflame tender care cream
Helping hands international
A organization that is being setup to help the less privileged in the society
While they also assist with clothes, food,medical,transportation, dental and jobs !
Which is an international NGO, global opportunity born out of passion
There is easy way to register into helping hands international, which has registration fee of #6,600
Norland international
Norland comprises of large scale transaction which covers medical, direct selling, health, medical services and finance .
This organization also let there distributors sell their products to make money
Mary Kay
A direct cosmetics marketing company which is owned by an american.
Being the sixth largest marketing company in nigeria ;
Which has produce many earners through their program
With this Mary Kay has created more opportunities for women by letting them control by letting them control there very own future .
Conclusion on multi level marketing companies in nigeria
Yes, just as earlier stated; making money through mlm is very much possible that anyone has the freedom to choose which one he or she decide to go into.
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